Video TECO User's Guide

First Edition August 1986

Revision 2.0 May 1987

Revision 2.1 March 1988

Revision 2.2 September 1988

Revision 2.3 February 1989

Revision 2.4 October 1993

COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 - 1993 BY




Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the authors. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. This software or any other copies thereof, may not be provided or otherwise made available to anyone other than the licensee. Title to and ownership of this software remains with the author.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1


TECO is a text editing program that runs on most Digital Equipment Corporation operating systems. Versions currently exist for the PDP-8, PDP-11, PDP-10, and VAX[1] computers systems. While there are some differences between various versions of TECO, they are, in general, quite compatible with each other.

TECO has been a popular text editor not only because its command set is elegant and powerful, but because TECO commands provide for an extension language that allows the user to accomplish very complex editing tasks in the same commands that he uses for normal editing.

Several TECO editors in the past have had extensions made so that TECO macros could control the terminal screen. The resulting screen editors did not have TECO syntax while in the screen edit mode. Typically they had one syntax for interactive editing with immediate feedback on the screen, and then a sub-mode which allowed access to TECO commands.

Video TECO is an attempt to create a much better screen based version of TECO. It was designed to be an interactive screen based version of TECO from the start, and therefore can provide immediate interactive execution of TECO commands unlike previous screen based TECO editors.

Another difference between Video TECO and other versions of TECO is the way it buffers files. The original TECO editors were created when computer systems were very memory limited, and were therefore optimized to run in small memory configurations. One way that this was accomplished was that TECO was a pipeline editor. Text was read from the input file into an edit buffer, and then written out to the output buffer. The only part of the file which was resident was the edit buffer, and this was typically kept quite small. Once text was paged out to the output file, it could not be called up again without writing out the entire contents of the files, and then re-reading to the point in question.

Because modern computer systems are not normally memory limited, Video TECO has adopted the more current approach of keeping the entire file in memory at once. This allows much more flexibility in the way the user can edit his file. Indeed, unlike other TECO editors, Video TECO allows you to have multiple files loaded for editing simultaneously, and these are all kept in memory while the editor is active.

This manual is intended to provide both a reference and tutorial for the inexperienced user, and also to provide a guide for the experienced TECO user who wishes to determine the differences between Video TECO and classic TECO editors.

Video TECO is currently ported to the following computer systems:


* UNIX (Integrated Solutions 4.2 BSD)

* UNIX (Sun Microsystems)

* UNIX (Alliant Computer Systems' CONCENTRIX(TM))

* UNIX (Apple Computer's AUX(TM))

* UNIX (Digital Equipment Corporation ULTRIX)

* UNIX (System V.3, V.4)



* MAC OS (Apple Computer's native MacIntosh(TM) Operating System)

* VAX/VMS (Digital Equipment Corporation)

1.1. Conventions Used In This Manual

There are several conventions used in this manual that the user should be aware of. Some of the characters used in TECO are not normally printable characters, and are often printed in some equivalent form. For instance, TECO commands are terminated with the ESCAPE character, ASCII code 27(decimal). Since the ESCAPE character does not have a printable representation, historically it has always been echoed in TECO as a dollar sign. Therefore, when you see a dollar sign in this manual, it should be interpreted as an escape character, not a dollar sign.

Control characters are another example of characters which do not have printable representations. The standard practice for printable representation of control codes is to print them as a caret followed by the printable character code. Thus Control-A is printed as ^A, Control-B as ^B, etc. In some cases the reader will have to detect this by the context of the paragraph, however every attempt will be made to explicitly mention when this is the case.

1.2. Input Control Codes

Video TECO responds to certain control codes in an immediate fashion outside of the command parser. These are necessarily operating system dependent. However, at this time Video TECO is ported to both VMS and Unix, and the behavior is identical on both of them.

1.2.1. The Rubout Character Code

The rubout code (ASCII 127) causes the previous character to be deleted, as if it had never been typed.

1.2.2. The Rubout Word Code

The rubout word code (^W) deletes a word of input, where word is typically delineated by some white space such as a space, tab, or newline. However, when rubbing out TECO commands, the ^W also stops at TECO command boundaries.

1.2.3. The Rubout Line Code

The rubout line code (^U) deletes the last line of input.

1.2.4. The Interrupt Code

The interrupt code (^C) causes complex operations such as iterations, searches, and macro executions to terminate at the end of the current command, and return Video TECO to command input mode. If Video TECO should become hung for some reason, four of these characters typed in a row will exit the editor (but all editing will be lost).

1.2.5. The Suspend Code

The suspend code (^Z) is used to put Video TECO in the background and return the user to operating system command level. This command is operating system specific, and currently only works under Unix and VMS.

To use this feature with VMS, the user must start Video TECO up using the /SPAWN modifier. This causes Video TECO to spawn another process to run the editor. When ^Z is typed, the user is reattached to the original process. After ^Z, the user may return to the Video TECO process by using the DCL attach command.

1.3. Starting up TECO

To edit a file or multiple files with the Video TECO editor, the user must specify a command line to his operating system. While this may vary from operating system to operating system, the basic form is:

% vteco file1 file2 ... filen

Video TECO will load each file into a successive edit buffer, and then start with the first edit buffer showing.

1.4. Screen Layout

The Video TECO screen has four distinct areas. These are (from bottom to top), the echo line, the message line, the status line, and the buffer area. Here is an example Video TECO screen:

1.4.1. Echo Line

The line on the very bottom is the echo line. The echo line automatically wraps when you exceed the right hand margin, so it will always hold the most recent user input. The current echo position is indicated by a non-flashing cursor. On terminals below 2400 baud this may not appear, since the overhead in maintaining two cursors may make the editor too slow. Although most characters are echoed in their normal representation, there are a few which are treated specially:

The escape character is echoed as a dollar sign, since escape itself is interpreted as a non printing control character with special meaning by terminals.

The tab character is normally echoed in Video TECO as a position to the next tab stop. This means that the amount of white space inserted is dependent on the horizontal position of the tab character. Since the echo line wraps to arbitrary positions, Video TECO displays the tab character as a sequence of four spaces.

The carriage return character normally causes a new line to begin. However, since we want to display as much input as possible on the echo line, carriage returns are echoed as the sequence <CR>.

1.4.2. Message Line

The message line is used when Video TECO wants to inform the user of an error or unusual condition. In the example above, the message line contains the string:

?Cannot find 'something useful'

because the search operation has failed. There are also several commands which the user can use to place output into the message area.

1.4.3. Status Line

The status line is a reverse video line which contains several fields, each displaying information of use to the user.

The first field always contains the string TECO, to identify this as the Video TECO editor.

The second field identifies which number edit buffer is currently selected. It has the form: <BUFFER n > , where n is the number of the current buffer.

The third field displays the name of the edit buffer. In Video TECO, the name of the buffer is the same as the name of the file.

The fourth field is not always displayed. If the current edit buffer has been modified, the word (modified) appears in this field. If the current edit buffer is a readonly version of a file, the word (READONLY) appears in this field. For more information on readonly buffers, see the EV command.

1.4.4. Buffer Area

The buffer area is the area of the screen where the file being edited is displayed. Its size will always be the size of the terminal or window minus the three lines required for the echo, message, and status lines. The terminal's flashing cursor will be in this area to indicated the current edit position (dot ).

1.5. Format of TECO commands

TECO commands consist of three parts: one or two optional numeric arguments, the command name, and one or more trailing string arguments. An example of a TECO command which has all of these present would be a constrained find/substitute command:

* QB,ZFSsome text$other text$$

In this example, the string "QB,Z" is a double numeric argument, the string "FS" is the command name, the string "some text" is the first string argument and the string "other text" is the final string argument.

At the other side of the spectrum is the move line command:

* L$$

In this example, there are no numeric arguments at all, and so the command will default to moving by one line. There are also no string arguments because the move line command does not accept string arguments.

If no leading numeric argument is specified, then TECO defaults the argument to the number one. If two arguments are to be specified, they are separated by a comma.

Only some commands allow the trailing string argument. If the trailing string argument is specified, it is normally terminated by an escape. An exception to this is if the user uses the @ modifier, in which case the string is surrounded by delimiters.

In a classic TECO editor, the user would specify many commands in a row, and the TECO editor would not execute any of them until two escapes in a row were typed. Video TECO executes most commands immediately. These commands can be erased if an error occurs. When a double escape is detected by Video TECO, the commands are determined to be completed, and they can no longer be undone by rubbing them out.

Some commands are either so complex, or so final, that Video TECO does not perform them until a double escape is seen. An example of this would be the exit command. Since there is no way that it can be undone (because at the completion of the command, the editor is no longer running), Video TECO does not execute it immediately. Rather, it waits for the user to type the double escape before the exit command is processed.

1.6. Exiting TECO

To exit the Video TECO editor, you use the EX, or exit command. This will return you to the operating system prompt. If you have modified buffers and you have not written them out, this command may fail with the error message "modified files exist". In this event, you can either write out the file using the EW command, if that is what you intended, or you can supply a minus one argument to the EX command (-1ex ) to exit without writing modified buffers.

Chapter 2

2. Simple Editing

2.1. The Edit Buffer

Every TECO editor has the concept of the edit buffer . The edit buffer is that area of memory which holds the text which is currently being edited. In a classic TECO editor, the edit buffer might contain only a portion of the file at any one time because these editors were typically designed to run on a memory limited machine.

The edit buffer in Video TECO always contains the entire file being edited. Although this uses more memory than a classic TECO editor, it is a more accepted method of operation for recently developed editors.

Since TECO is a character-oriented editor, it is important for the novice user to understand the concept of the buffer pointer. The buffer pointer is a pointer to the character position in the buffer that the next editing command will affect. The buffer pointer in TECO does not point directly to a single character, but actually points between character positions. Depending on the command issued by the user, the characters which are affected may be to the left or to the right of the buffer pointer.

The idea that the pointer actually points between characters is especially confusing in Video TECO since on the screen display the flashing cursor does appear over a character. This is a side effect of the way that terminals operate. In most cases, the user won't really need to make this distinction in his mind, but there are cases when remembering that this is how TECO numbers buffer positions will make a seemingly ambiguous case non-ambiguous.

An easy way to remember how buffer positions work in TECO is that a buffer position refers to the number of characters to the left of the pointer. If there are a total of ten characters in the buffer, there are eleven legal buffer positions. Position zero is the position at the top of the buffer, i.e., there are no characters to the left of this position. Position ten in this case would be the final position in the buffer. If you wanted to append text to the buffer, you would want to insert text at position ten. An example of an edit buffer with ten characters, with the positions labeled follows:

0V1I2D3E4O5 6T7E8C9010

Some TECO commands allow you to specify a range or block of buffer positions. The way that this is done is by supplying two numeric arguments to the command, separated by a comma. For example, the range 0,10 would specify all the characters from position zero through position ten. In the above example, this would refer to all the characters in the buffer. If you wanted to refer only to the positions associated with the word TECO, you would specify 6,10. Finally, if you wanted to refer to all the positions associated with the word VIDEO, you would specify 0,5 (or 5,0 for that matter). This would rapidly get very tedious, so TECO provides some easy ways for you to refer to some common buffer positions.

2.1.1. The Current Edit Buffer Position

The current edit position changes as you execute TECO commands which move it. Since it would be very difficult for a human to remember what edit position he was now at, TECO syntax supplies the dot operand. This operand is actually typed as a period character ('.'). The dot operand evaluates to the number of the current edit position. To specify a range of characters which included all the characters preceding the current edit position, you would type 0,. . Likewise, to specify all the characters following the current edit position, you would type .,xx where xx was the number of the final buffer position.

2.1.2. The End Of Buffer Position

The final legal position in the edit buffer at any given time depends on how many characters are in the edit buffer. In fact, because the buffer position is zero based, the number of the position following the final character in the buffer is the same as the count of characters in the buffer. Therefore, this number is doubly useful as a position and as a count of characters.

TECO provides a shortcut character similar to dot, except that instead of specifying the current edit position, it specifies the final buffer position. This character is Z, and it can be used in expressions whenever you want to refer to the end of the buffer or to the number of characters in the buffer. For example, the expression 0,Z would specify all of the characters in the buffer, and .,Z would specify all the characters from the current edit position to the end of the buffer.

2.1.3. The Entire Buffer Range

The final shortcut operand is the H operand. This is actually just a compound of 0,Z, so H is just a way of specifying the entire buffer to a TECO command. For example, probably the most common usage for H is in the HK command. This has the effect of deleting all the characters in the buffer. It is the fastest way to clear the edit buffer back to an empty state.

2.2. Changing The Current Edit Position

In order to perform any editing other than simply inserting sequential characters, the user needs to be able to move the current edit position (dot) around. TECO provides many different ways to do this in order to provide a flexible convenient way under different editing conditions.

2.2.1. Moving DOT with the C Command

The C command moves the current edit position by the specified number of characters relative to the current position. For example, the command 1C moves the current edit position one position forward, while the command 10C would move the current edit position 10 positions forward.

If you specify a negative argument to the C command, it moves dot backward the specified number of positions. Therefore, the command -10C would move the current edit position backward by ten positions.

If you don't specify an argument to the C command, it defaults to 1C, so typing repeated C commands in a row has the effect of moving the edit position forward one character each time you type C.

2.2.2. Moving DOT with the R Command

The R command works exactly like the C command, except in the opposite direction. The commands 1R and R both have the effect of moving the edit position backward exactly one position. The command 10R would move the edit position backward 10 characters, and the command -10R would move the edit position 10 characters forward (because a negative argument to R actually means forward).

2.2.3. Moving DOT with the W Command

The W command is a Video TECO unique command which moves the edit position by words. Words, in this case, are defined as collections of characters surrounded by whitespace such as spaces, tabs, and newlines.

Depending on whether you are moving forward or backward with the W command, dot will be left at a different location within the word. While moving forward, the edit position gets left immediately before the first character of the word. While moving backward, the edit position gets left immediately after the last character of the word.

As with the other positioning commands, the W command with no arguments implies moving by one word, while specifying an argument tells how many words to move by.

2.2.4. Moving DOT with the L Command

The L command allows you to move the edit position by lines. The L command always leaves you at the beginning of a line. The argument specifies how many lines it should move over. If you specify 1L or just L, dot will be left at the beginning of the next line.

Negative arguments move dot backward, so the command -1L or just -L will leave dot at the beginning of the line which precedes the line dot is currently on.

An argument of zero will leave dot at the beginning of the current line.

2.2.5. Moving DOT with the J Command

While the C, R, W, and L commands have all been relative positioning commands, i.e. they move relative to dot, the J command allows you to set the edit position absolutely. The command takes one argument, which is the edit buffer position to which dot should be set.

To move the edit position to the top of the buffer, you could perform the command 0J. This would set dot to edit buffer position zero, which is the top of the file. The command ZJ would set dot to the end of the file since position Z always follows the final character in the edit buffer.

The J command with no arguments is the same as 0J, i.e., it sets dot to the top of the file.

2.2.6. Moving DOT by Searching

During editing, a user often wants to position dot by searching for an occurrence of a string within the file. The S command allows him to do this. The S command has several forms. The most basic is:


This will cause Video TECO to search forward from the current edit position for the specified text string. If the text string is found, dot is left at the position following the text string. Also, the default search string is updated to be text. If the user then issues another search command with no text argument (i.e. the escape character immediately follows the S character), the search command will search for the default search string.

If you specify a single argument to the search string, that argument tells the search command how many occurrences of the text string should be searched for. By default, the S command with no arguments means search for one occurrence of the string. However, if the user were to issue the command:


the search command would search for the second occurrence of text after the current edit position. If the argument is negative, this tells the search command to search backward from the current buffer position. The search command with two arguments is a constrained search, and will not be covered in this chapter.

The behavior of Video TECO when the string cannot be found is different from that of classic TECO editors. Classic TECO editors would leave dot at the end of the edit buffer. This behavior is not desirable in a screen editor, so Video TECO leaves dot unchanged in this case, and simply issues an error message.

2.3. Deleting Text

There are two commands for deleting text from the TECO edit buffer. These are the D and K commands. There are an additional two commands which use searching to specify the characters to be deleted: the FD and FK commands.

2.3.1. Deleting Text with the D command

The D command is very similar to the C command in operation, except that instead of moving over buffer positions, it deletes them. The command 1D or just D causes the character following dot to be deleted. The command -1D or simply -D causes the single character preceding dot to be deleted.

2.3.2. Deleting Text with the K command

The K (for kill) command deletes lines of text, and has two basic forms. The first form takes one argument, which is the number of lines of text to be deleted. This works exactly like the L command except that instead of moving over the lines, the lines are deleted. Thus, the 1K or simply K command will delete from the current editing position up to and including the next carriage return. The 0K command causes the text from the beginning of the line to the current edit position to be deleted. Thus the command sequence 0KK will always delete the entire contents of the current line, regardless of where dot is positioned on the line.

If the argument to the K command is negative, it causes the K command to delete the specified number of lines which precede the current edit position. Thus -1K or simply -K will delete from the current edit position back to and including the line which precedes the current line.

The second form of the K command takes two numeric arguments: n,mK. This form will delete all the characters between edit buffer position n and edit buffer position m. One example of this command would be deleting all the characters from the beginning of the file to the current edit position:


Another example would be to delete all the characters in the buffer. There are two ways to do this, with the second being the shortcut way:

0,ZK or simply HK

2.3.3. Deleting Text with the FD command

The FD command words exactly like the S (search) command, except that when it finds the specified occurrence of the text, it deletes it. Thus the command:


searches for the string text and then removes it from the edit buffer. If an argument is supplied to the FD command, it specifies which occurrence of the string should be deleted. The FD command updates the default search string just as the S command does, and an FD command with no string argument will search for and delete the default search string.

2.3.4. Deleting Text with the FK Command

The FK command is another search-and-then-delete command, but it works slightly differently from the FD command. The FK command remembers the current edit position (dot), searches for the specified occurrence of the specified string (or the default if no string is specified). It then deletes all the text from the remembered dot, up to but not including the specified text string. The reason that the deletion is not inclusive is that firstly there are many cases where this is the action you would prefer, and secondly, if you also wanted the searched for text to be deleted the default search string is properly set up so that you simply issue an FD command with no string argument and this will remove that text.

2.4. Inserting Text

So far we have only been dealing with making changes to an existing file. However, in reality, the most common operation is the insert operation. This is where you want to type characters and have them appear within the file. The insert command in TECO is the I command. It has the form:

Ithe text to be inserted$

A minor variation of the insert command is that you can initiate it by simply typing the tab character. In this form, the tab itself is inserted and the command then proceeds normally until you type the terminating escape character. This is a very minor shortcut, but it does exist in all classic TECO editors.

Another form of the insert command is when you specify a single argument to the I command. In this form, the character whose ASCII code was supplied as the argument is inserted. In this form, the command does not take a string argument, so the character which follows the I will be taken as the beginning of the next command. The following command string:


would insert the string ABCD into the edit buffer at the current position (because 65 is the ASCII code for 'A', etc.).

2.4.1. Changing Text with Find / Substitute

Video TECO has two commands to search for a given string and change it to a different string. These are the FS and FR commands.

2.4.2. Changing Text with the FS Command

The FS command searches for the specified occurrence of the specified string, and replaces it with the second string. For the searching aspect, FS behaves just like the other searching commands, with the argument specifying which occurrence should be searched for, a negative argument meaning search backward, and a null string argument meaning search for the default search argument. An example of the FS command is:


where n is the numeric argument, first-string is the string to be searched for, and second-string is the string which will replace the first. If the second string is null, then the effect of the FS command is identical to that of the FD command.

2.4.3. Changing Text with the FR Command

The FR command is identical to the FS command except in its actions if the second string argument is null. Rather than replace the search string with a null string as FS would do, FR replaces it with the last (default) replace string. Thus the sequence:


actually will replace string_one with string_two twice, because in the second FR command both the search string and the replace string will default to the previous settings from the earlier command.

Chapter 3

3. Buffer Management

3.1. Multiple Buffer Editing

Classic TECO editors only allowed the user to edit one file at a time. This made moving text between files, or making changes to multiple files very difficult. Video TECO maintains multiple edit buffers which the user can switch between to edit multiple files simultaneously.

3.1.1. Creating Edit Buffers with the EB Command

The EB command is used to create edit buffers and to switch between them. The command has two basic forms. However, only one of them can be used to create new edit buffers. The command:


will cause an edit buffer named filename.ext to be created, and loaded with the contents of filename.ext. If the edit buffer of that name had already existed, the result would have been to simply make that edit buffer be the current edit buffer. Wildcards are supported by the EB command.

The other form of the EB command can only be used to switch between edit buffers that already exist. If you try to switch to a buffer which does not exist, an error will occur. This form of the command takes a single numeric argument, which is the number of the edit buffer to switch to. Each edit buffer in Video TECO has a number associated with it strictly for this purpose. To switch to the second edit buffer, the command of this form would look like:


Notice that there is no terminating escape. In this form, the command completes immediately after the EB has been typed. Both forms of the command can be undone. If you rub out the EB command, Video TECO will switch back to the previous edit buffer.

Video TECO numbers the edit buffers that you create with the EB command sequentially from one. Video TECO also creates edit buffers for internal use, such as q-registers. These are numbered sequentially with negative numbers starting with minus one. Finally, edit buffer zero is a special edit buffer which contains a list of the current edit buffers.

3.1.2. Listing Active Edit Buffers

The 0EB command causes Video TECO to switch to edit buffer zero. Edit buffer zero is special in that each time you switch to it, Video TECO creates a list of all active edit buffers, and inserts it in this edit buffer. An example of such a list follows:

3.1.3. Creating a Readonly Edit Buffer

The EV command is identical to the EB command except in one respect. If it is used to create a buffer, that buffer will be set readonly. The effect of a readonly buffer is that you can modify its contents, but you cannot write it out. If the buffer already exists, the EV command simply switches to it, and does not change its readonly status.

3.1.4. Writing Buffers to Disk with EW

The EW command is used to write the contents of the current edit buffer to the disk. It takes one string argument. Normally, this argument should be specified as null by immediately following the EW with an escape character. This will cause the current edit buffer to be written to a disk file with the same name as the edit buffer. If you specify a string to the EW command such as:


then Video TECO will write the contents of the current edit buffer to the file specified in the EW command. In any case, the modified flag for the buffer will be cleared, and this will be indicated on the status line.

Note that in the example above, the command was terminated with two escape characters. This is because the EW command cannot be undone (once a file is written to the disk, we can't unwrite it). In cases like this, Video TECO forces you to use the double escape to complete the command.

3.1.5. Deleting Edit Buffers with EF

The EF command is used to remove the current edit buffer. All storage associated with the edit buffer is freed. If the edit buffer has been modified, the EF command will fail. This can be overridden by specifying an argument of -1 to the EF command. The EF command cannot currently be undone.

Chapter 4

4. Advanced Editing Techniques

4.1. Command Modifiers

There are two characters which can be used to modify the behavior of TECO commands. The at-sign ('@') and colon (':') commands are put in front of any arguments to a command, and change the way the commands work.

4.1.1. AT-SIGN Modifier

The @ modifier typically allows the user to specify text strings to Video TECO in a different manner. Instead of being an escape terminated string, the @ command causes the string to be surrounded by two delimiters. The character which follows the TECO command byte is the opening delimiter, and the text string continues until a second delimiter character is seen.

As an example, assume that the user wants to input text including escape characters, probably because he is typing in a TECO macro. If he used the normal form of the insert command, he would have to quote every escape with the quote (^V) command. Instead, he could use the @I command like this:


Notice a couple of things. The character which follows the @I is a slash ('/') character. This could actually be any character the user wanted to specify as a delimiter. The text string then continues until another slash (or whatever the user decides to use) is typed. This terminates the insert command just as the escape character would normally.

4.1.2. Colon Modifier

The colon modifier is more dependent on the command it is found with than the AT-SIGN modifier. In general, it means execute the TECO command in an alternate way, where alternate way depends on the command being executed.

All searching commands use the colon modifier to mean that the command should return a value which indicates whether the search was successful or not. This can then be used as an argument to another TECO command, typically a conditional operator. An example would be:


This command would search for the string 'fred', and delete the entire line if it was found.

Here there should be a discussion about another command affected by the : command, yet it should be one we have already described...

4.2. Q-registers

Q-registers are data storage registers available to the TECO user. There are 36 Q-registers in TECO corresponding to the 36 characters 0-9 and A-Z. Each Q-register can hold a block of text and a single integer simultaneously. Whether the user is referring to the text contents or the integer contents if resolved by the command he used to access the data.

Video TECO implements Q-registers as internal edit buffers, so that in addition to the Q-register commands that most TECO editors provide, Video TECO also allows you to make a Q-register be the current edit buffer.

4.2.1. Loading Text into Q-registers with the X command

Text is stored in a Q-register using the X command. The X command consists one or two arguments, the X character, and the single letter Q-register name. Since the Q-register name is only a single character, and not a full string, a terminating escape is not required.

If the X command is issued with no argument, or with one argument, the argument refers to the number of lines of text from 'dot' which should be saved in the Q-register. No argument defaults to saving one line. A negative argument saves n lines before the edit buffer pointer. An argument of zero means save all the text from the beginning of the line up to 'dot' in the specified Q-register.

The X command with two arguments operates on a range of edit buffer positions in a similar manner to the K command. In the following example:


all the characters from edit buffer position n through m are copied into Q-register 1.

In all cases, the X command is non-destructive to the data in the edit buffer. The text that is copied into the Q-register remains in the edit buffer. If the user wishes to cut the text such that it is moved into the Q-register, and removed from the edit buffer, he must follow the X command with a matching K command. The X command is destructive in the sense that it deletes any previous contents of the Q-register before the specified text is loaded into it.

An alternate version of the X command is :X (modified by the colon argument). This version of the X command works identically, except that the text in the Q-register is not deleted, but rather appended to.

4.2.2. Retrieving Text from Q-registers with the G command

The G command causes the text contents of the specified Q-register to be copied into the current edit buffer at 'dot'. 'dot' is left pointing just past the inserted text. The Q-register remains unaffected by the command.

This command takes no leading arguments, and is simply followed by the single character Q-register name, as in:


which would copy the text contents of Q-register 1 into the edit buffer.

4.2.3. Loading Numeric Values into Q-registers with the U command

Q-registers hold signed numeric data as well as textual data. The U command must be proceeded by a single numeric value which is then loaded into the number store area of the Q-register whose single letter name immediately follows the U command.. Any text contents of the Q-register are unaffected. The previous value which was stored in the Q-register is lost.

4.2.4. Retrieving Numeric Values from Q-registers with the Q command

The Q command allows you to retrieve the single number stored in the number area of the Q-register. The Q command returns a value which can be used as part of an arithmetic expression, possibly as part of an argument to another TECO command. Thus the Q command allows you to use Q-registers as temporary variables in complex TECO command strings. The format of the Q command is simply 'Q' followed by the single letter name of the Q-register:


returns as its value the numeric contents of Q-register '1'.

4.2.5. Using a Q-register as an Edit Buffer

There are two ways you can switch into a Q-register for editing. One would be to use the EB command and either specify the name of the Q-register (Q-registers have names like TECO-A and TECO-1), or by specifying the edit buffer number for the Q-register (Q-registers have negative buffer numbers). To find out the name or buffer number, you should use the 0EB command.

A second, preferable method is to use the eq command with no string argument. This is an enhancement to Video TECO which does not exist in classic TECO editors. Thus:


causes the editor to make Q-register 1 be the current edit buffer.

There are some restrictions to what you can do when using a Q-register as the main edit buffer:

* You can't use the Q-register you are in as the target of an X command (i.e. XA is illegal if you are editing in Q-register A).

* You can't use the Q-register you are in as the target of a G command (i.e. GA is illegal if you are editing in Q-register A).

* You can't use the Q-register you are in as the target of a POP command (i.e. ]A is illegal if you are editing in Q-register A).

* You can't use the Q-register you are in as the target of an asterisk command to save the last command in the Q-register (i.e. *A is illegal when editing in Q-register A).

* You can't use the EQqfilename$ command with the target being the Q-register you are editing in.

Most of these are common sense, as they would obliterate the Q-register you are in, and the Q-register would be in some undefined state during the command. Using a Q-register this way would be very unusual, and so you probably won't encounter it in any normal editing session.

4.2.6. Q-registers that have special meaning

There are several Q-registers which have special meanings. This is typically done to allow you access to internal Video TECO data as part of a macro.

1, Underscore Q-register

The '_' Q-register text buffer holds the current default search string. The main advantage to doing this is that a TECO macro can save and restore the default search string so that searches within the macro do not change what the user had as a default search string. The typical way to do this would be to include a

[_ and ]_

command at the beginning and end of each macro which contains search commands. The numeric side of the underscore Q-register is reserved for future use.

2, Minus-Sign Q-register

The '-' Q-register text buffer holds the current search replace string. This allows all the same sorts of macro handling as is possible with the search string. The numeric side of the underscore Q-register is reserved for future use.

3, Asterisk Q-register

The numeric side of the Asterisk Q-register (*) contains the number of the current edit buffer. This allows macros which must switch edit buffers to save the current buffer number so that they can switch back to it when finished.

The text side of the Asterisk Q-register contains the pathname of the current edit buffer. If you are editing /usr/teco/file.1, the G* command would insert '/usr/teco/file.1' into the buffer at the current edit position.

Loading the text side of Q-register * renames the current edit buffer. If you are editing /usr/teco/file.1 and you use the X command to load text into the asterisk Q-register, the pathname of the edit buffer will be changed.

4.3. Arithmetic Expressions

As a first step in taking full advantage of the power of TECO, the user should realize that arguments to TECO commands are arithmetic expressions. Besides simple statements like:


you can specify complex statements such as:


are possible. Note that the 'Q', 'Z', and '.' commands are all being used here to return values which are part of the expression. By using Q-registers as integer variables, it is simple to write quite complex programs with TECO.

4.3.1. Rules for Expression Evaluation

Classic TECO editors do not support the normal operator precedence rules that are common in most languages. This is because of the simplicity of their parsers. These versions simply evaluated expressions left to right unless modified by explicit parenthesis.

Video TECO, on the other hand, supports operator precedence just as you would expect from a normal language. While this may cause compatibility problems with existing TECO macros, it does show that the authors really have their act together in the parser department...

In any case, unary operators have the highest precedence, followed by multiply and divide (* and /), followed by addition and subtraction (+ and -). This can be overridden by the use of parenthesis where needed.

4.3.2. Checking Expression Evaluation with the = Command

One very useful command when performing complex expression is the equals command ('='). This command will print the decimal equivalent of the expression in the message area of the screen. Thus the command:


would print the value '14' in the message line. This is also useful for determining the current numeric contents of a Q-registers.

Two equals commands in a row will print the results in octal, while three equals commands in a row will print the results in hexadecimal. Thus:


would print the value 0xF, i.e. 15 in base 16.

4.4. Iterations

Iterations are one of the first advanced editing skills the average user should learn. The most common usage for an iteration is to implement a global find/substitute. By enclosing an FS command in an iteration, it will change all occurrences of the string following 'dot'.

Iterations are enclosed in angle brackets '<>'. They may be nested up to 255 levels deep in Video TECO. If an argument is supplied to the open angle bracket, this specifies how many times the iteration is to execute. Thus:


is a somewhat inefficient way of achieving


because the body of the iteration (the 'L' command) will be executed 5 separate times. If an iteration has no argument supplied, it will loop forever, unless jumped out of on some condition. The semi-colon command provides that capability.

4.4.2. Breaking out of Iterations with the Semi-Colon Command

The semi-colon command provides the user with an easy way to break out of an iteration under certain conditions. The semi-colon command can only be used within an iteration. Attempts to use it otherwise will result in an error message being generated. If an argument is supplied to the semi-colon command, it will break out of the current iteration if the argument is TBS. The more normal use of the semi-colon command, however, is with no arguments supplied. In this case, the semi-colon command bases it's decision to break out of the iteration on whether or not the last search command found an occurrence of the search string. If the string was not found, the semi-colon command causes the rest of the instructions in the iteration to be skipped, and the iteration exited. The following example finds all occurrences of 'foo' and appends the string 'bar' to it:


An easier way to do the same thing would be:


In the first case, the insert command to insert the string 'BAR' is executed each time the search command successfully finds 'FOO'. The final time when 'FOO' cannot be found, the semi-colon command causes the insert command to be skipped, and the iteration to be cleanly exited.

Likewise, the second example executes the FS command repeatedly changing all occurrences of 'FOO' to 'FOOBAR'. Then, when the FS command cannot find another occurrence of 'FOO', the semi-colon command causes the iteration to terminate.


TECO provides a macro capability by allowing the text contents of a Q-register to be interpreted as a string of TECO commands. The M command causes TECO to execute a Q-register in this fashion. The execution proceeds as if the commands had been typed at the keyboard. Thus a macro is very similar to a subroutine call in other languages. The advantage of macros is that complex strings of TECO commands can be loaded into the Q-register, and then executed by simply typing:


where q is the single letter name of the Q-register. Arguments can be passed to macros. If you typed the command:


and the Q-register q had as the first command:


then the numeric side of Q-register A would contain the argument value 5, and this could be used throughout the macro.

4.5.1. Loading Default Macros with TECO INI

When Video TECO is first started up, it looks for an initialization file containing default contents for Q-registers. The name is operating system dependent. On UNIX systems the name is '.teco_ini'. On VMS it is 'TECO.INI'. Each entry in this file has a single letter Q-register name followed by a delimiter character, an arbitrary text string followed by a second occurrence of the delimiter character.

Video TECO loads the Q-registers with the initial text strings specified in the TECO init file. After they have all been loaded, if Q-register '0' has been loaded it is automatically executed before any user commands are input. This allows the user to customize Video TECO and to set up the initial conditions of the editor.

4.5.2. Saving the Last Command with *

A simple way to create a macro is by simply typing it in as a command. TECO provides a way to store the previous command string into Q-register after it has been completed. The asterisk command should be typed only after a double-escape sequence has completed the previous command. The format of the command is:


where q is the single letter name of the Q-register where the text will be stored. The previous contents of the Q-register are lost.

Classic TECO editors typically require the *q command to be the first command typed after a double escape. Video TECO allows *q anywhere within a command line, and the result is that the previous command string gets saved to the specified Q-register.

4.6. Conditional Operators

Conditional operators in TECO work exactly as conditional operators in many high level programming languages. They allow you to test a value or expression and conditionally execute commands based on the outcome of the test.

4.6.1. The Double Quote 'IF' command

In TECO, the double quote character is the conditional IF operator. The double quote is followed by a single letter which determines the actual test to be applied. The argument to the conditional operator is the single argument which precedes the double quote character.

If the condition specified is true, the commands which follow the conditional operator are executed normally. However, if the condition specified is false, TECO skips over all the following commands until it encounters an else clause, or the close of the conditional code which is marked by a single quote. An example of a conditional expression follows:


This command loops decrementing the value in Q-register 1 as long as it contains a value greater than zero ("G). When the value is no longer greater than zero, the OLOOP command is not executed, and the conditional falls through the single quote command to the next command which is typed.

4.6.2. The Vertical Bar 'Else' command

If the Vertical Bar character ('|') is encountered within a conditional expression, it represents the beginning of the else clause of the conditional. The else clause is optional in TECO conditionals. An example of an else clause follows:

:SFRED$"SIFound Fred$|ICan't find Fred$'

If fred is found, the command inserts 'Found Fred', ELSE it inserts 'Can't find Fred'.

4.6.3. Conditional Operators

The following is a table of the available conditional operators:

Operator Meaning "C" equivalent

G Greater Than Zero > 0

L Less Than Zero < 0

T True < 0

S Successful < 0

E Equal To Zero == 0

F TBS == 0

U TBS == 0

N Not Equal To Zero != 0

C Symbol Constituent TBS

D Digit isdigit(x)

A Alphanumeric isalpha(x)

V Lower Case islower(x)

W Upper Case isupper(x)

Note that you can only test arithmetic values against zero. Thus if you wanted to test for a specific value such as 1234, you have to do it like this:


such that the equal to zero test only works when the original value (Q1 in this example) is equal to 1234.

Chapter 5

5. Advanced Searching

5.1. Default Search Rules

Searching is used extensively in TECO to position the edit cursor. Normally, the string that the user specifies to the search command contains a list of normal characters. Each character specified in the search string must be matched by a similar character in the edit buffer.

Video TECO searches default to case insensitive searches. This means that characters in the edit buffer are considered to match characters in the search string even if one is upper case and the other is lower case.

5.2. Wildcard Searching

Wildcard searches allow the user to embed special character sequences within the search string which match a class of character or string rather than a single character. This allows you to create very complex search operations without having to resort to conditional expressions to test for different occurrences.

Perhaps the simplest wildcard to use as an example is the ^X wildcard. This is actually the ASCII code 24, Control-X. It tells Video TECO to match any character in this position. The user should understand that ^X requires some character to be there, it just doesn't matter what code it is. Thus the command:


Would match the strings A+B, A-B, A*B, A/B, as well as many other strings. While this is only moderately useful during normal editing, it becomes invaluable when writing macros to accomplish complex editing tasks.

5.2.1. The ^X Wildcard

As already described, the ^X wildcard will match any single character, with the requirement that the character must exist. For instance, if the last three characters in the edit buffer were the letters 'foo', the search string


would not find them because it would require that some character follow the second 'o' character. However, if the last four characters in the buffer were the letters 'foot', then the search command would have found this occurrence.

5.2.2. The ^N Wildcard

The Control-N wildcard matches any character except the one which follows the ^N in the search string. Thus the search command:


would find strings such as food, or fool, but not foot..

5.2.3. The ^ED Wildcard

The ^ED wildcard matches numeric digits. Thus the search string will skip over any number of characters from the set {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}. There must, however, be at least one numeric character for the search to succeed. Note that commands like:


will always fail, since the ^ED eats up all the numeric digits insuring that there is never a '1' to match the '1' in the search string.

5.2.4. The ^ES Wildcard

The ^ES wildcard matches any number of spaces and tabs.

5.2.5. The ^E^E Wildcard

The ^E^E string is not actually a wildcard, but instead a modifier or mode setting string. It causes the search operator which is normally case insensitive to become case sensitive. Thus:

Snow is the ^E^ETIME$

would match the strings 'NOW IS THE TIME', 'Now Is The TIME', but not 'now is the time', because the final four characters are all required to match case exactly.

5.2.6. The ^EA Wildcard

The ^EA wildcard matches any alphabetic character, i.e. any upper or lower case letter from A-Z.

5.2.7. The ^EB Wildcard

The ^EB wildcard matches any separator character, where separator is defined as any non-alphanumeric character.

5.2.8. The ^EC Wildcard

The ^EC wildcard matches any symbol constituent. Although symbols vary from computer to computer, this is currently defined to be alphanumeric plus period (.), Dollar sign ($) and underscore (_), regardless of platform.

5.2.9. The ^EG Wildcard

The ^EGq wildcard matches any character currently in the text side of Q-register q. Note that this is a fairly slow operation, since the evaluation must be done at run time, rather than parse time. In an iteration, for instance, the search table cannot be specified at parse time, but rather must be built each time through the iteration in case the contents of the Q-register have been changed. The ^E[ construct is generally a more efficient mechanism.

5.2.10. The ^EL Wildcard

The ^EL wildcard matches any line terminator character. This is defined as newline, carriage return, or form feed.

5.2.11. The ^EM Wildcard

The ^EM wildcard causes any number of the following token to be matched. For instance, ^EMA would match A, AA, or AAA. ^EM^EC would cause any number of symbol constituents to match, thus ^EM^EC could match "long_symbol_name_9".

5.2.12. The ^ER Wildcard

The ^ER wildcard matches any alphanumeric character.

5.2.13. The ^EU Wildcard

The ^EUq wildcard matches the ASCII code contained in Q-register q. Thus the sequence 32UA S^EUA$ would be a rather roundabout way to search for a space.

5.2.14. The ^EV Wildcard

The ^EV wildcard matches any single lowercase letter.

5.2.15. The ^EW Wildcard

The ^EW wildcard matches any single upper case letter.

5.2.16. The ^E[] Wildcard

The ^E[a,b,c] wildcard matches any of the tokens a,b,c. Note that the tokens can generally include wildcards, so a sequence such as S^E[a,b,c,^ES,^EL] would search for any of the characters a,b,c, any number of whitespace characters (^ES) or any line terminator character (^EL).

5.2.17. The ^E<> Wildcard

The ^E<nnn> wildcard matches the numeric code nnn. Unlike classic TECO which just assumes the code is octal radix, Video TECO assumes that a leading zero means octal (i.e. 010 is octal 10), a leading 0x means hex,

5.3. Search Modifiers

Both the AT-SIGN and COLON modifiers work with all forms of the search command.

5.3.1. The Colon Modifier

The colon modifier affects all searching commands the same way. It causes them to return a value, depending on whether or not the specified string was found.

In the presence of the colon modifier, search strings will return zero if the string was not found, or minus one if the string was found. Thus, the command:


would either print 0 or -1 on the message line, depending on whether or not the string 'fred' was found.

5.3.2. The AT-SIGN Modifier

The AT-SIGN ('@') modifier affects how strings are specified to the search strings. Instead of being escape terminated strings, the strings are specified by the user by surrounding them with delimiter characters. This allows escape to be included in the string. An example of the search command using this modifier is:


where the question mark character ('?') is the delimiter. Note that if the delimiters have no intervening characters such as:


Then the specified string is null, which means to use the default search string.

In the case of commands which take multiple strings, such as FS, the format is:


Note that there are not two sets of strings with separate delimiters. This means that the delimiter for the replace string cannot be different from the delimiter for the search string.

5.4. Default Search String

When a user types a search command such as s, n, fs, fd, fr, etc., if he types the search string, TECO searches for the specified search string. However, if he does not supply a search string, TECO uses the last search string he specified.

Video TECO remembers the default search string by storing it in Q-register '_' (underscore). This is an enhancement which does not exist in regular TECO. This allows the advanced Video TECO user to do some useful things.

5.4.1. Preserving the Default Search String across Macro Executions

By pushing the '_' (underscore) Q-register onto the Q-register pushdown list at the beginning of a macro, and popping it back at the end of the macro, a macro can use searching within the body of the TECO macro without changing the user's default search string.

5.4.2. Examining the Default Search String

A user can examine the current search string by either switching to Q-register '_' (for instance, he could type EQ_$), or he can insert it into his current buffer with the G command, as well as several other ways.

5.4.3. Setting the Search String Directly

Instead of affecting the default search string by using a searching command, the user can set it by simply loading Q-register '_'. This has the effect of loading the search string, but not actually performing any search. The user needs to keep in mind the limitation that search strings cannot exceed 256 characters. Although it is possible to switch into the '_' Q-register and edit the search string using regular TECO commands, the user will get rather strange results if he tries to use search commands within the search Q-register. The better method is to switch to some other buffer, get the contents of the search string using the G command, edit the text, and then copy it back using the X_ command.

Chapter 6

6. Programming TECO

6.1. Other Features

Chapter 7


The following section lists each TECO command.

7.1. 'A' Command

7.1.1. With No Arguments

In classic TECO editors, the A command without an argument meant append. The action performed was to append more data from the file into the edit buffer. Since Video TECO always reads the entire file in, this function has no meaning, and is reserved for future use. An error occurs if an attempt to use the command in this format is made.

7.1.2. With One Argument

This command returns the ASCII code of the character in the buffer offset argument from the current edit position. Thus, this command with an argument of zero will return the code of the character following dot, while -1A would return the code of the character immediately preceding dot.

7.1.3. With Two Arguments

This command does not take two arguments, and an error will occur if it is attempted.

7.2. 'B" Command

In classic TECO editors, this was a shorthand for the beginning of the buffer. It actually meant zero, since zero always is the character position of the beginning of the buffer. Thus B,Z meant all characters in the buffer. Given that almost every single letter command is already assigned in TECO, and since B saves no keystrokes over typing '0', Video TECO does not recognize this command as classic TECO editors, and instead has reserved it as a future command. An error will occur if the user attempt to execute it.

Currently, the B command is equivalent to -L, i.e. it moves backward over lines the same way that the L command moves forward over them.

7.3. 'C' Command

The 'C' command moves the current edit position (dot) a relative number of positions. If the command would result in the edit position being moved outside of the edit buffer, an error results, and the current position is left unaffected.

7.3.1. With No Arguments

With no arguments, the C command defaults to moving the edit position forward one. Thus, "C" is equivalent to "1C".

7.3.2. With One Argument

The single argument specifies the number of character positions to move dot by. If the argument is positive, dot gets moved forward. If the argument is negative, dot is moved backward.

7.3.3. With Two Arguments

This command does not take two arguments, and an error will occur if it is attempted.

7.4. 'D' Command

The 'D' command deletes the specified number of characters, relative to the current edit position.

7.4.1. With No Arguments

With no arguments, the D command deletes the single character following the current edit position. If the edit position is currently set to the end of the buffer, and error occurs.

7.4.2. With One Argument

A single argument to the D command specifies how many characters relative to the current edit position should be deleted. If the argument is greater than zero, characters following the current edit position are deleted. If the argument is negative, characters before the current edit position are deleted.

7.4.3. With Two Arguments

This command does not take two arguments, and an error will occur if it is attempted.

7.5. 'E' Command

The E character leads into a two character command sequence:

7.6. 'EB' Command

The EB command is used to select an edit buffer for editing. There are two forms of the command:

7.6.1. With No Arguments

This form of the command takes one string argument which is the name of the disk file to be edited. An edit buffer is created with the same name as the disk file, and this edit buffer becomes the current edit buffer. If the edit buffer already exists when the command is issued, Video TECO simply makes it the current edit buffer.


Edit buffers created in this manner are numbered with sequential positive integers.

7.6.2. With One Argument

If the EB command is specified with one argument, it is an immediate execute command to switch to a pre-existing edit buffer. An error occurs if the argument specifies a non-existent edit buffer.

Edit buffers with positive numbers contains user files. Edit buffers with negative numbers are TECO Q-registers. Edit buffer zero is a special buffer which lists all the current edit buffers.

7.6.3. With Two Arguments


7.7. 'EC' Command

The EC command allows you to execute non-interactive operating system commands.

7.7.1. With No Arguments

This is the only legal form of the command. It takes a trailing string argument which is the entire operating system command to be executed:

ECgrep -l enum *.c$

The output of the command is inserted into the edit buffer at the current edit position. Although the command can be undone, only the insertion of output into the buffer can actually be undone. Obviously, the effect the command has had on the computer system cannot be undone by Video TECO.

7.7.2. With One Argument


7.7.3. With Two Arguments


7.8. 'EF' Command

The EF command closes an edit buffer. An error occurs if the buffer is modified.

7.8.1. With No Arguments

With no numeric arguments, the EF command expects a trailing string argument. If the string argument is null, the current edit buffer is deleted. Otherwise, the string specifies which existing edit buffer is to be deleted. An error occurs if no buffer of that name currently exists, or if the specified buffer has been modified.

7.8.2. With One Argument

In this form, the single numeric argument specifies which edit buffer is to be deleted. No string argument is expected. An error occurs if no buffer of that number exists, or if the buffer is modified.

If an argument of -1 is specified, the command will complete even if the buffer has been modified. This also means that it is impossible to delete internal buffer -1 with this form of the command.

7.8.3. With Two Arguments


7.9. 'EJ' Command

The EF command allows the user to set certain values in the editor. The EJ command takes two numeric arguments. The first selects what is being set, and the second argument is what it should be set to.

7.9.1. First Argument as 1

When the first argument is one, the second argument is set to be an alternate escape character. This is provided mostly for keyboards which either don't have an ESCape key, or for those that have it in a cumbersome position. The command:


would set Tilde (ASCII code 126) to act as an ESCape character. Note that the substitution takes place early in the character processing of the editor.

7.9.2. First Argument as 2

When the first argument is two, the second argument is taken to be the number of lines (i.e. the height) of the screen. This is useful if you have resized the window since startup, but window resize is not working. (At startup you can specify -y <n> or -h <n>). If 2,<n>EJ works but seems to go away again after certain operations, automatic window resizing may be interfering.

7.9.3. First Argument as 3

When the first argument is three, the second argument is taken to be the number of columns (i.e. the width) of the screen. This is useful if you have resized the window since startup, but window resize is not working. (At startup you can specify -x <n> or -w <n>). If 2,<n>EJ works but seems to go away again after certain operations, automatic window resizing may be interfering.

7.9.4. First Argument as 4

When the first argument is four, the second argument is the ASCII value of an alternate delete character. This allows you to set two different characters to act as a rubout. Commonly the delete and Control-h codes might be both useful as rubout.

7.10. 'EP' Command

The EP command allows you to split the current window into two windows, each containing a different edit buffer, or to collapse two windows back down into one.

7.10.1. With Two Numeric Arguments

This form of the command splits the current window into two windows. The command:


Splits the current window, such that a new window of m lines is created, and edit buffer n is displayed in it. The current window must be large enough to have m lines removed from it, and still be a viable edit window.

Currently, Video TECO's screen optimizer breaks if any two windows are displaying the same edit buffer. Therefore, you should be careful never to let this situation occur.

7.10.2. With No Numeric Argument

If the EP command is specified with no numeric argument, the current window is collapsed, and the screen space is given to one of the other visible windows. You cannot issue this command if there is only one window showing.

7.10.3. With One Numeric Argument


7.11. 'EQ' Command

The EQ command either switches the current edit buffer to a Q-register, or fills a Q-register with a file, depending on how it is executed. The EQ command never takes a numeric argument.

7.11.1. With Trailing String Argument

This form of the command reads the file specified by the trailing string argument into the specified Q-register:


Reads the file filename.ext and places it in Q-register q. The current edit buffer is left unchanged.

7.11.2. With No Trailing String Argument

If the EQ command is specified as:


it has the effect of making Q-register q become the current edit buffer.

7.12. 'ER' Command

The ER command reads the specified file into the edit buffer at the current edit point. The current edit position is left immediately following the inserted file. The previous contents of the edit buffer are not disturbed during the insertion.

7.12.1. With No Arguments

This is the only legal form of the command. The command expects a trailing string argument which is the name of the file to be read into the current edit buffer. The contents of the file are inserted into the edit buffer as if a single I (insert) command had been issued, i.e., the rest of the buffer is left intact, and the current edit position is left following the inserted file.


7.12.2. With One Argument


7.12.3. With Two Arguments


7.13. 'ES' Command

The ES command allows you to scroll the screen up or down a specified number of lines. This is useful for fine positioning text to be viewed.

7.13.1. With No Arguments

This is equivalent to 1ES.

7.13.2. With One Argument

This form of the command scrolls the screen by the specified number of lines. There is a restriction that when the scroll is complete, the current edit position (dot) must still be visible. If the scroll operation causes dot to move off of the screen, the scroll operation will not have the intended result, and instead either will not function, or the screen will be refreshed with dot at the center of the screen.

The screen is scrolled up when positive numbers are supplied, and down when negative numbers are supplied. This is consistent with the way the screen moves when L commands cause the screen to scroll. For example, the following command would cause five more lines following those already displayed to become visible:


7.13.3. With Two Arguments


7.14. 'ET' Command

This command causes the screen to be refreshed.

7.14.1. With No Arguments

This is the only legal form of the command. This command is not normally required during most interactive editing, since the screen is automatically refreshed at the end of each keystroke anyway. However, during iterations and macro executions, many commands are executed, but the screen is only refreshed after all the commands are complete. By inserting the ET command into an iteration or macro, the user can see the state of the file as the commands execute.

For example, if the user typed the following command:


all occurrences of string1 would be replaced with string2. However, the user would normally see only the first replacement occur. Then, as he closed the iteration and typed two escapes, the iteration would run to completion before the screen would be updated. This is often the desirable behavior. The user gets to see the first time through the iteration, giving him a chance to be sure that things are working the way he wants, then the editor continues the iteration as fast as possible, until it is complete. Suppose, however, that the user is worried that some unintended strings might get mistakenly replaced by this command. Rather than have to issue one FS command after another, he could just issue:


This would cause the screen to be repainted each time a string is replaced, giving him a chance to see each string replacement occur.

7.14.2. With One Argument


7.14.3. With Two Arguments


7.15. 'EV' Command

The EV command is used to select an edit buffer for editing. It is identical to the EB command, except that if a new edit buffer is created, it is created readonly. Readonly edit buffers are flagged by the word READONLY on the status line. Edit buffers created this way cannot be written out. There are two forms of the command:

7.15.1. With No Arguments

This form of the command takes one string argument which is the name of the disk file to be viewed. A readonly edit buffer is created with the same name as the disk file, and this edit buffer becomes the current edit buffer. If the edit buffer already exists when the command is issued, Video TECO simply makes it the current edit buffer without having any effect on it's readonly status.


Edit buffers created in this manner are numbered with sequential positive integers.

7.15.2. With One Argument

If the EV command is specified with one argument, it is an immediate execute command to switch to a pre-existing edit buffer. An error occurs if the argument specifies a non-existent edit buffer.

Edit buffers with positive numbers contains user files. Edit buffers with negative numbers are TECO Q-registers. Edit buffer zero is a special buffer which lists all the current edit buffers.

Since this form of the command requires that the buffer already exist, it will not create a readonly buffer. Thus this form of the command is identical to this form of the EB command in every respect.

7.15.3. With Two Arguments


7.16. 'EW' Command

This command is used to the write the current contents of an edit buffer to the disk. The command is not immediate execute, so it requires two escapes to be issued before it will execute.

7.16.1. With No Arguments

This is the only legal form of the command. The command expects a trailing string argument to be specified. If the string is null, the file which is written is written to the same name as that of the edit buffer. Otherwise, the string specifies the name of the file to be written:


This command clears the modified status of an edit buffer.

7.16.2. With One Argument


7.16.3. With Two Arguments


7.17. 'EX' Command

The EX command causes Video TECO to exit, returning the user to the operating system command interpreter. Since exiting cannot be undone, the command requires a double escape before it will be executed.

7.17.1. With No Arguments

In this form, the EX command will cause the editor to exit as long as none of the positively numbered (non-internal) edit buffers are modified. If any are modified, Video TECO will issue an error message and refuse to exit. This is to prevent you from editing by mistake without writing out all files which you have made changes to.

7.17.2. With One Argument

If the EX command is supplied with a single numeric argument of minus one:


the editor will exit regardless of whether or not any of the edit buffers are modified. This form of the command should be used carefully, for the obvious reasons. A good rule of thumb would be to always execute a 0EB command first to identify which edit buffers are modified, and that you indeed do not want those written to the disk.

7.17.3. With Two Arguments


7.18. 'FD' Command

This command searches for the specified string, and then deletes it. It follows all the rules of the searching commands regarding arguments, wildcards, etc.

7.18.1. With No Arguments

With no numeric arguments, the FD command expects a trailing string argument which specifies the search string. The first occurrence of the search string is found and deleted. If no occurrences of the string can be found, an error message is generated to that effect. If the search string specified is zero length, the default search string is searched for.


7.18.2. With One Argument

Specifying a single numeric argument to the FD command sets which occurrence of the search string should be deleted. If the argument is negative, it indicates that the search should proceed in a reverse direction. The command still expects a trailing string argument to specify the search string:


would delete the second occurrence of string.

7.18.3. With Two Arguments

With two numeric arguments, the search for the string is constrained between the two buffer locations specified by the two arguments.

If the first argument is smaller than the second, it indicates that the search should proceed forward from the buffer position as specified by the first argument to the buffer position as specified by the second argument.

If the first argument is larger than the second, it indicates that the search should proceed backward from the buffer position as specified by the second argument to the buffer position as specified by the first argument.

One use of this command would be to find occurrences of a string only within a single subroutine in a source file. If the beginning and end of the subroutine were loaded into Q-registers one and two respectively, the following command would find string only within the subroutine:


Care would have to be taken in the case of an iteration to delete all occurrences of string from the subroutine, since the end of the subroutine moves up by the length of string each time an occurrence is deleted. The following iteration would work properly for that case (assuming Q1 and Q2 already set up):


because it decrements Q2 by the length of string each time it is found by recording Z and then computing how many characters were deleted.

7.19. 'FK' Command

This command deletes all the characters from the current edit position up to but not including the search string.

7.19.1. With No Arguments

With no numeric arguments, the FK command expects a trailing string argument which specifies the search string. The first occurrence of the search string is found and deleted. If no occurrences of the string can be found, an error message is generated to that effect. If the search string specified is zero length, the default search string is searched for.


7.19.2. With One Argument

Specifying a single numeric argument to the FK command sets which occurrence of the search string should be found. If the argument is negative, it indicates that the search should proceed in a reverse direction. The command still expects a trailing string argument to specify the search string:


would delete all the text up to be not including the second occurrence of string.

7.19.3. With Two Arguments

With two numeric arguments, the search for the string is constrained between the two buffer locations specified by the two arguments.

If the first argument is smaller than the second, it indicates that the search should proceed forward from the buffer position as specified by the first argument to the buffer position as specified by the second argument.

If the first argument is larger than the second, it indicates that the search should proceed backward from the buffer position as specified by the second argument to the buffer position as specified by the first argument.

7.20. 'FR' Command

This command searches for the specified string, and then replaces it with the second string. It is identical to the FS command except for its behavior when the replacement string is specified as null. It follows all the rules of the searching commands regarding arguments, wildcards, etc.

7.20.1. With No Arguments

With no numeric arguments, the FR command expects two trailing string arguments which specifies the search string and replacement string respectively. The first occurrence of the search string is found and replaced with the replace string. If no occurrences of the string can be found, an error message is generated to that effect. If the search string specified is zero length, the default search string is searched for. If the replacement string is specified as zero length, the default replace string is used. The command:


would have the effect of replacing string1 with string2 twice, because the second FR command will default both the search and replace strings to those as specified in the first FR command.

7.20.2. With One Argument

Specifying a single numeric argument to the FR command sets which occurrence of the search string should be replaced. If the argument is negative, it indicates that the search should proceed in a reverse direction. The command still expects two trailing string arguments to be supplied:


would delete the second occurrence of the default search string with the default replace string.

7.20.3. With Two Arguments

With two numeric arguments, the search for the string is constrained between the two buffer locations specified by the two arguments.

If the first argument is smaller than the second, it indicates that the search should proceed forward from the buffer position as specified by the first argument to the buffer position as specified by the second argument.

If the first argument is larger than the second, it indicates that the search should proceed backward from the buffer position as specified by the second argument to the buffer position as specified by the first argument.

7.21. 'FS' Command

This command searches for the specified string, and then replaces it. It follows all the rules of the searching commands regarding arguments, wildcards, etc.

7.21.1. With No Arguments

With no numeric arguments, the FS command expects two trailing string arguments which specify the search and replacement strings. The first occurrence of the search string is found and replaced with the second argument. If no occurrences of the string can be found, an error message is generated to that effect. If the search string specified is zero length, the default search string is searched for. If the replacement string is specified as zero length, the effect of the command is similar to that of the FD command. The following command changes the first occurrence of string1 to string2:


7.21.2. With One Argument

Specifying a single numeric argument to the FS command sets which occurrence of the search string should be replaced. If the argument is negative, it indicates that the search should proceed in a reverse direction. The command still expects two trailing string arguments to specify the search and replace strings:


would replace the second occurrence of string1 with string2.

7.21.3. With Two Arguments

With two numeric arguments, the search for the string is constrained between the two buffer locations specified by the two arguments.

If the first argument is smaller than the second, it indicates that the search should proceed forward from the buffer position as specified by the first argument to the buffer position as specified by the second argument.

If the first argument is larger than the second, it indicates that the search should proceed backward from the buffer position as specified by the second argument to the buffer position as specified by the first argument.

One use of this command would be to replace occurrences of a string only within a single subroutine in a source file. If the beginning and end of the subroutine were loaded into Q-registers one and two respectively, the following command would replace string only within the subroutine:


Care would have to be taken in the case of an iteration to delete all occurrences of string from the subroutine, since the end of the subroutine moves each time a replacement happens, since the two strings are of different length. The following iteration would work properly for that case (assuming Q1 and Q2 already set up):


because it modifies Q2 by the number of characters being added or deleted to the buffer each time a replacement operation happens by recording Z and then computing how many characters were added or deleted to the subroutine.

7.22. 'G' Command

The G command retrieves text from a Q-register and inserts it at the current edit position.

7.22.1. With No Arguments

This is the only legal form of the command. The command takes a single trailing character argument which is the name of the Q-register to be accessed. For example, to retrieve the contents of Q-register A, one could issue the following command:


No trailing ESCape is required since the trailing argument is always a single character, not a string. An error occurs if the character either specifies a Q-register which is not legal in Video TECO, or a Q-register which has not be loaded yet.

7.22.2. With One Argument


7.22.3. With Two Arguments


7.23. 'H' Command

This is not actually a command, but rather a shorthand argument. It is identical to typing 0,Z as the two numeric arguments to a command. It is useful for commands which take a range of buffer positions when you want to specify the entire buffer. For example, the normal way to delete the entire contents of a buffer would be:


since this tells the K (kill) command to delete all the characters from the first buffer position to the last. Another common use would be to load the entire edit buffer into a Q-register. For example, the command:


would load the entire contents of the buffer into Q-register A.

7.24. 'I' Command

The I command is used to insert characters into the current edit buffer. There are two different forms of the insert command:

7.24.1. With No Arguments

This is the normal insert command which is almost always used. The command takes a trailing string argument which is the text to be inserted:


The insert command can be modified using the atsign modifier so that the trailing string argument is delineated by characters specified by the user, rather than being terminated by an escape. This can be handy when text with escapes is going to be inserted. The following example is a different way of accomplishing the previous example:


Note that there is no trailing escape required to complete the command, the command terminates when the matching delimiter is seen.

Another way to insert escapes is to use the quote character (^V) before each escape which is to be inserted.

7.24.2. With One Argument

This form of the command is used to insert the character whose ASCII code is specified in the numeric argument. No trailing string argument is accepted in this form of the command. The following example would insert the letters ABCD into the edit buffer:


7.24.3. With Two Arguments


7.25. 'J' Command

The J command allows you to absolutely position (jump) the current edit position anywhere within the edit buffer. An error occurs if the specified position does not exist.

7.25.1. With No Arguments

In this case, the command defaults to 0J, which positions to the top of the edit buffer.

7.25.2. With One Argument

This form of the command lets you specify a buffer position to jump to. It would be extremely unlikely that during normal editing you would actually type an absolute buffer position to the J command, since buffer positions would be very difficult to keep track of. However, by storing buffer positions in Q-registers, it is then easy to refer to the buffer positions using the Q-register. For example, if Q-register A had previously been loaded the location of an interesting piece of text, you could return to it by issuing the command:


Another very command use of this command is to get to the end of the edit buffer. Since the Z argument always contains the number of characters in the edit buffer, the command:


is the normal way of positioning at the end of the buffer.

7.25.3. With Two Arguments


7.26. 'K' Command

The K command deletes lines of text relative to the current edit position.

7.26.1. With No Arguments

With no arguments, the K commands defaults to 1K, deleting text from the current edit position through the following carriage return character.

7.26.2. With One Argument

This form of the command allows you to specify how many lines of text to delete. The command deletes text from the current edit position through the nth carriage return character as specified in the single numeric argument.

If the argument is negative, the command deletes text back through the preceding nth carriage return.

If the argument is zero, text from the current edit position back to the beginning of the line is deleted.

7.26.3. With Two Arguments

In this form, the two arguments specify beginning and ending buffer positions. The entire range of buffer positions is deleted.

7.27. 'L' Command

The L command allows you to move the current edit position by lines, relative to its current position. In all cases, the L command leaves the current edit position at the beginning of a line.

7.27.1. With No Arguments

With no arguments, the L command defaults to 1L, moving the current edit position forward to the next beginning of a line.

7.27.2. With One Argument

The single argument specifies how many lines to move the current edit position by. It is moved forward over n carriage return characters, where n is the single numeric argument to the command.

If the argument is zero, the current edit position is moved to the beginning of the current line.

If the argument is negative, the current edit position is moved backward over the specified number of carriage returns.

7.27.3. With Two Arguments


7.28. 'M' Command

The M command allows you to execute TECO macros. You may pass a numeric argument to a macro, if the first command in the macro expects an argument, it will get the argument passed to the macro.

There is currently no way for a macro to determine how many arguments have been passed, so it is impossible to write macros which have optional arguments.

7.28.1. With No Arguments

The M command takes a single trailing character argument which specifies which Q-register is to be executed as a macro. The text within the Q-register is interpreted as TECO commands. The following command would execute the contents of Q-register A as a macro:


Video TECO executes macros in immediate mode, even if the command contained in the Q-register would normally not execute immediately during interactive execution. For example, although iterations normally require a double escape, making it impossible to undo by rubbing out, a macro executes immediately even if it contains iterations. The resulting changes can be undone by rubbing out the macro command.

7.28.2. With One Argument


7.28.3. With Two Arguments


7.29. 'N' Command

The N command is a modified version of the search command. Although there was an N command in classic TECO editors, Video TECO's N command is a little different.

In classic TECO editors, the N command would automatically page in and out portions of the file being edited. Thus, if the entire file did not fit into the edit buffer, N would still search the entire file.

Since Video TECO always reads the entire file into the edit buffer, there is no need for an N search such as classic TECO editors had. However, since Video TECO supports multiple edit buffers, the N command was defined to search across buffer (file) boundaries. The N command only searches through the normal edit buffers, not through the Q-register edit buffers.

Although the numeric arguments to the N command are different from those of the normal search command, the trailing string arguments work exactly the same way as the normal search command. If a null trailing string argument is supplied, the N command will use the same default search string as the other search commands.

7.29.1. With No Numeric Arguments

With no numeric arguments, the N command searches for the first occurrence of the search string, starting at the current position in the current edit buffer, and searches to the end of the edit buffer. If it hasn't found the string by the end of the buffer, it automatically switches to the next edit buffer. It then searches the entire new buffer. It keeps on switching to the next buffer and searching until it reaches the highest numbered edit buffer. It then switches to the lowest positive numbered edit buffer, and continues searching through the edit buffers until it returns to the original edit buffer where the command started. When it reaches the original edit buffer again, it searches from the top of that edit buffer down until it gets to the original buffer position that the command started at. If after all that, it still hasn't found the string, a normal search failure message is displayed.

A string will not be found if it crosses an edit buffer boundary. The string must reside entirely within one of the edit buffers.

7.29.2. With One Numeric Argument

With a single numeric argument, the N command attempts to find the Nth occurrence of the string within the set of all edit buffers. If it does not find all N occurrences, it fails and the current position is not changed.

7.29.3. With Two Numeric Arguments

With two numeric arguments the N command starts searching from the edit buffer specified by the first argument, up to and including the edit buffer specified by second argument.

Thus if the user types the command:


the editor will search edit buffers 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 looking for the string. If there were 12 edit buffers, and the user typed the command:


the editor would search edit buffers 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, in that order. Note that with two arguments, the editor always stops at the first occurrence of the search string.

Normally, the editor starts searching from the top of the edit buffer specified in the first argument. However, if the first argument specifies the number of the edit buffer which happens to be the current edit buffer, the search will start from the current position, instead of from the top. This is intended to make it easier for a macro to operate on all occurrences within a set of buffers (otherwise it would keep finding the first occurrence in the buffer).

To write an iteration which finds all occurrences of a string in all the buffers, and appends 'string' to it, the following would work assuming there are 15 buffers in all:

1EBJ <Q*,15Nsearch-string$;Istring$>

because Q* always evaluates to the current edit buffer, so it always continues searching from the present position towards the end of the final edit buffer.

7.30. 'O' Command

The O command allows you to execute GOTO commands within a sequence of TECO commands. Video TECO currently only supports one form of the command:

7.30.1. With No Arguments

In this form, the O command takes a trailing string argument which is the name of the label to go to. For examples a simple loop can be constructed as follows:


where !tag! is a TECO label. Note that TECO labels must be delineated by exclamation marks. An error occurs if the GOTO command is executed, but the label as specified does not exist.

In the case of a macro execution, the destination label must be within the same Q-register that the macro is being executed out of.

7.30.2. With One Argument


7.30.3. With Two Arguments


7.31. 'P' Command

The P command changes from the current display window to the next one. Thus typing repeated P commands steps through all the windows displayed on the screen.

7.31.1. With No Arguments

This is the only legal form of the command.

7.31.2. With One Argument


7.31.3. With Two Arguments


7.32. 'Q' Command

The Q command retrieves the numeric contents of a Q-register. The value can then be applied as an argument to a TECO command.

7.32.1. With No Arguments

The Q command takes a single trailing character argument, where that character specifies which Q-register is to be accessed. An error occurs if an illegal Q-register is specified, or if the Q-register specified does not currently exist.

7.32.2. With One Argument


7.32.3. With Two Arguments


7.32.4. Special Case

If the Q-register specified is the asterisk character ('*'), the command returns the number of the current edit buffer. This is a Video TECO enhancement and is not compatible with other TECO editors.

7.33. 'R' Command

The R command works exactly like the C command, except in reverse. It allows the user to move the current edit position by character positions relative to its current location.

7.33.1. With No Arguments

With no arguments, the R command defaults to 1R, moving dot backward by one character position.

7.33.2. With One Argument

The argument to this command tells it how many buffer positions to move the current edit position by. If the argument is positive, the current edit position is moved forward. If the argument is negative, the current edit position is moved backward.

7.33.3. With Two Arguments


7.34. 'S' Command

This command is used to position the current edit position (dot) by searching for strings.

7.34.1. With No Arguments

The S command takes a single trailing string argument which specifies the string to be searched for. The string is normally terminated by an escape, although using the ATSIGN ('@') modifier allows you instead to enclose the search string with delimiters of your choice.

Certain character sequences within the search string are reserved as wildcard specifiers so that complex string expressions may be found easily.

With no numeric arguments, the S command searches forward for the next occurrence of the string, and leaves dot immediately following the string which was found. Format of the command is:


7.34.2. With One Argument

Specifying a single numeric argument to the S command sets how many occurrences of the search string should be searched for. If the argument is negative, it indicates that the search should proceed in a reverse direction.


would search for the second occurrence of string1 following the current edit position.

7.34.3. With Two Arguments

With two numeric arguments, the search for the string is constrained between the two buffer locations specified by the two arguments.

If the first argument is smaller than the second, it indicates that the search should proceed forward from the buffer position as specified by the first argument to the buffer position as specified by the second argument.

If the first argument is larger than the second, it indicates that the search should proceed backward from the buffer position as specified by the second argument to the buffer position as specified by the first argument.

7.35. 'T' Command

Currently, Video TECO uses this command to cause a screen repaint after the screen has become corrupted, perhaps by an operator broadcast. It is expected to change in the near future. Screen repaints can be done by using the CONTROL-L (^L) command.

7.35.1. With No Arguments

This is the only form of the command. The screen is cleared, and then refreshed.

7.35.2. With One Argument


7.35.3. With Two Arguments


7.36. 'U' Command

The U command allows you to load a single integer into the numeric storage of a Q-register. The text portion of the Q-register remains unaffected.

7.36.1. With No Arguments


7.36.2. With One Argument

The U command takes a single character trailing argument which specifies which Q-register is to be loaded. The single numeric argument is loaded into the Q-register.

7.36.3. With Two Arguments


7.37. 'V' Command

The V command is experimentally set to be a delete-word-forward command. It affects the current edit position the same way the W command does, but instead of simply moving over the data it deletes it.

7.37.1. With No Arguments

With no argument, the V command deletes a single word.

7.37.2. With One Argument

With one argument, the V command deletes the specified number of words.

7.37.3. With Two Arguments


7.38. 'W' Command

The W command allows you to move the edit position by words relative to its current location. Words in this case are defined as collections of characters surrounded by whitespace or vertical motion characters.

7.38.1. With No Arguments

With no numeric arguments, the W command defaults to 1W, moving dot forward by one word.

7.38.2. With One Argument

In this form, the single numeric argument specifies how many word positions to move by. If the argument is positive, movement is forward, otherwise if the argument is negative, movement is backward.

7.38.3. With Two Arguments


7.39. 'X' Command

The X command allows you to load text into a Q-register. The command takes a single trailing character argument which specifies which Q-register is to be loaded. The contents of the edit buffer are unaffected. Normally the previous contents of the Q-register are deleted before the new text is inserted. However, if the command is used with the colon modifier, the new text is appended to the previous contents of the Q-register.

7.39.1. With No Arguments

In this case, the command defaults to 1Xq where q is the name of the Q-register to be loaded, and the 1 indicates that one line of text will be loaded. A more accurate way of stating that is that all the text from the current edit position up through one carriage return character will be loaded into the specified Q-register.

7.39.2. With One Argument

In this case, the single argument specifies how many lines of text to load into the Q-register. If the number is negative, it indicates that the text preceding the current edit position should be loaded into the specified Q-register.

7.39.3. With Two Arguments

In this form, the two arguments specify a range of buffer positions to be loaded into the destination Q-register. Some examples of this would be HXq which loads the entire current edit buffer into Q-register q, or .,.+100Xq which loads the 100 characters following dot into the specified Q-register.

7.40. 'Y' Command

The Y command is experimentally set to be a delete-word-backward command. It affects the current edit position the same way the -W command does, but instead of simply moving over the data it deletes it.

7.40.1. With No Arguments

With no arguments, the Y command deletes the single word preceding the current edit position.

7.40.2. With One Argument

With a single numeric argument, the Y command deletes the specified number of words preceding the current edit position.

7.40.3. With Two Arguments


7.41. 'Z' Command

This is not actually a command, but rather a shorthand argument. The Z command always returns a value equal to the number of characters in the edit buffer. This also happens to correspond to the buffer position of the end of the buffer. Thus the command:


is always a good way to position at the end of the edit buffer.

7.42. '!' Command

The exclamation character is used to enclose labels which can be the target of the goto command. It can also be used to place comments inside of macros. Examples:


loops inserting the string 'stuff' into the buffer. Since it is an infinite loop, this will soon do bad things. An example of using the command to insert comments:

!Labels can be used as comments as well!

7.43. '%' Operator

The % operator adds a value to a Q-register numeric register, and returns the new numeric value as the value of the expression.

7.43.1. With No Arguments

With no arguments, the % operator increments the specified Q-register by one, and then returns the new contents. Thus if Q-register A has the value 5, the expression:


changes the contents of Q-register A to be 6, and returns the value 6. This is then passed to the U command, which stores the value 6 into the numeric register of Q-register B.

7.43.2. With One Argument

In this case, the single argument tells the % operator how much to add to the specified Q-register. Thus:


adds 10 to Q-register A, and returns the new value (15 using the example above) to the rest of the expression. So 17 is then added to the 15, and this is placed in Q-register B by the U command.

7.43.3. With Two Arguments


7.44. Double Quote " Command

The double quote character starts a conditional expression. The double quote character is immediately followed by a character which specifies the conditional test to be performed. The character must be one of the following:

Operator Meaning "C" equivalent

G Greater Than Zero > 0

L Less Than Zero < 0

T True < 0

S Successful < 0

E Equal To Zero == 0

F TBS == 0

U TBS == 0

N Not Equal To Zero != 0

C Symbol Constituent TBS

D Digit isdigit(x)

A Alphanumeric isalpha(x)

V Lower Case islower(x)

W Upper Case isupper(x)

7.45. Vertical Bar | Command

The vertical bar character begins the else clause of the current conditional command. The commands which follow will only be executed if the conditional test failed.

7.45.1. With No Arguments

This is the only legal form of the command.

7.45.2. With One Argument


7.45.3. With Two Arguments


7.46. Single Quote ' Command

The single quote character terminates a conditional expression. It is required that every conditional expression be terminated.

7.46.1. With No Arguments

This character takes no arguments.

7.46.2. With One Argument


7.46.3. With Two Arguments


7.47. '()' Parenthesis Operators

The open and close parenthesis characters are used to change the default precedence of an arithmetic expression.

7.47.1. With No Arguments

This is the only legal form, the () operators do not take arguments. Since Video TECO supports operator precedence, the following expression:


would evaluate as 23, since it is calculated as 3+ (4*5). The user can change these default precedence rules by explicit use of the parenthesis. Thus, the previous example could be changed to:


which would result in a value of 35.

Parenthesis can be nested up to a maximum depth of 255.

7.47.2. With One Argument


7.47.3. With Two Arguments


7.48. '<>' Iteration Operators

TECO iterations are enclosed in angle brackets. The TECO commands enclosed within the brackets are repeatedly executed.

7.48.1. With No Arguments

This form of iteration continues to loop until something inside the iteration causes it to halt (see the semi-colon command). The command:


loops changing all occurrences of string1 to string2. The command would loop forever, given an unlimited supply of string1's.

7.48.2. With One Argument

In this case, the argument tells how many times the iteration should loop. Thus:


will replace the first 5 occurrences of string1 it can find.

7.48.3. With Two Arguments


7.49. '[ and ]' Commands

The push ('[') and pop (']') commands push and pop Q-registers onto the Q-register pushdown list. When a Q-register is pushed, both the text and numeric portions are saved. When the contents of the Q-register pushdown list are popped, the previous contents of both the numeric and text parts of the target Q-register are lost.

7.49.1. With No Arguments

The push command looks like this:


pushes the current contents of Q-register A onto the pushdown list. Q-register A is left intact: only a copy is placed on the pushdown list.

After the previous push Q-register command, if the user issued the following pop command:


the previous contents of Q-register B are lost, and are replaced with the contents from the pushdown list (in this case, the pushed contents of Q-register A).

These commands are very useful when you wish to use a Q-register for temporary storage, but do not want to lose the current contents. This often happens in macros which need Q-registers for temporary variable, but do not want to alter the contents outside the scope of the macro.

7.49.2. With Arguments

The push and pop commands pass any arguments through to the following command. This is so that at the beginning of a macro, the macro can push the Q-registers it is going to modify, but still be able to get access to the argument passed to the macro. The following macro:

[A[B[CUA.UBZUC (commands) ]C]B]A

saves Q-registers A, B, and C. It then loads Q-register A with the argument to the macro, Q-register B with the current buffer location (dot), and Q-register C with the number of bytes in the edit buffer. Assuming (commands) implements some useful function, when it completes the contents of Q-registers C, B, and A are restored to the contents they had before the macro was executed.

7.49.3. 0EB display

The 0EB buffer map display tells you how many Q-registers are currently on the pushdown list. Following the list of buffers, if there are any Q-registers on the pushdown list you will see a message to the effect:

Q register push down list contains 3 registers, 195 bytes

7.50. '{ and }' Commands

The push-command-line ({) and pop-command-line (}) commands are experimental commands which allow you to use Teco commands to edit the current command string. For example, suppose you are typing an involved command, and as you reach the end you realize that you should have first saved the original edit position in a numeric Q-register so that you could hop back there after the command is complete. Normally you would have to rub the entire command out, and then re-type it. By using the push-command-line and pop-command-line commands you can place the entire command line in a special edit buffer, do a JI.UX$ to insert a command at the beginning to save the current edit position in Q-register X, and then you can re-execute the command in its new form.

These commands are still in their experimental form, and can still cause Video TECO to exit with an exception.

7.50.1. With No Arguments
7.50.2. With Arguments

7.51. '\' Command

The backslash command allows radix representations of numbers to be inserted into or read out of the edit buffer.

7.51.1. With No Arguments

With no numeric arguments, backslash converts the numeric characters following the current edit position into a numeric representation, typically decimal. For instance, if the current edit position is in front of the four characters "1234" and the backslash command is issued, the current edit position is moved forward over the four characters, and the numeric result of the backslash command would be decimal 1234. The command "\U1" would move the edit position over those four characters, and load decimal 1234 into Q-register 1.

You can cause backslash to use octal or hexidecimal by issuing ^o\ or ^x\ respectively.

7.51.2. With Arguments

If backslash is issued with a single numeric argument, a decimal (base 10) representation is inserted into the current edit buffer at the current edit position. The edit position is left pointing after the inserted characters.

If two arguments are supplied, the first is the number to be inserted, and the second is the arbitrary radix to insert the number as. For instance, 5,2\ would insert 101 because 101 is the binary (Base 2) representation of decimal 5. Radix should be 2-36 inclusive.

7.52. Space and Newline Commands

The space and newline characters are noops to allow macros to be prettied up a bit. Remember not to use tab because that acts as an insert command in TECO.

Appendix A

8. Differences between Video TECO and classic TECO

This section assumes that you are familiar with a classic TECO editor from Digital Equipment Corporation. It attempts to quickly tell you what you need to know to begin editing with Video TECO. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but to tell you just enough to get going. The reference section describes each command in detail.

This section also does not go into great detail describing features which are better than classic TECO but do not affect the way the user issues commands. For instance, Video TECO parses everything first, so syntax errors are immediately reported, rather than when that command gets executed. Since this does not seem necessary for the user to understand this different behavior, items like this won't be discussed in this section. Only differences which must be understood to properly use the editor will be covered.

8.1. Single character ends lines

This is probably the most controversial issue in the authors' minds. The editor was originally written under Unix, where it is typical to have a single character, LINEFEED, terminate lines. Video Teco uses this convention even though classic Teco editors ended lines with a two character sequence, CARRIAGE-RETURN LINEFEED. Because compatibility is important, we have thought about changing the behavior. Unfortunately, the single terminating character is easier to deal with in normal editing, because the common command to get to the end of the line is a character shorter in Video TECO (LR instead of L2R).

8.2. Multiple Edit Buffers

Video TECO allows you to have multiple edit buffers simultaneously. Multiple files can thus be edited, either by specifying all the filenames on the initial command line, using the EB command to load more files, or both.

8.3. Q-registers Can Be Edit Buffers

Video TECO treats edit buffers and Q-registers identically. This allows a user to switch into a Q-register and use normal TECO commands to edit the contents. The TECO syntax does not allow normal edit buffers to be the target of a Q-register command (such as X and G), but the internal representation is identical.

8.4. Edit Buffer Contents

There are two major differences to a Video TECO edit buffer compared to that in a classic TECO.

The first is that the entire file is always read into the edit buffer. The upper bound on the number of bytes which Video TECO can handle is driven by the wordsize of the machine. Thus, on a typical 32 bit machine Video TECO allows up to 2 Gigabytes per edit buffer. Each line is limited by the size of an int on the machine, so the typical 32 bit machine has a limit of 2 Gigabytes bytes per line.

There is no limit on the number of edit buffers Video TECO can support at any given time.

The second major difference to buffer contents in Video TECO is that lines are terminated with a single line feed, Unix style. All classic TECO editors terminate each line with two characters; the CRLF sequence. The author has considered changing Video TECO to be compatible with the rest of the TECOs many times, but so far has wimped out on each occasion.

8.5. Arithmetic Expression Parsing

The classic TECO editors did simple left to right evaluation of arithmetic expressions, with no regard to operator precedence. The parser was the first module of Video TECO written, and at the time the author wanted to outdo classic TECOs in every way, so the parser was written to correctly perform operator precedence. In retrospect, this was probably not wise, since compatibility is quite important. With enough feedback, the author could be convinced that the behavior should revert to that of classic TECO.

8.6. Missing Commands

Several commands are missing from Video TECO, either because they don't make sense given some of the differences, or the author just hasn't gotten around to them yet.

8.6.1. B Command

In a classic TECO editor, the B command returns the beginning of the buffer. In all DEC TECOs that the author is aware of, the B command always returns 0. In MIT TECO, when using buffer narrowing, the B command might return something else. Since Video TECO doesn't support buffer narrowing, the B command is currently unused, although it may be used for an enhanced command in the near future.

8.6.2. V Command

In some of the classic TECO editors, the V command was equivalent to 0TT, i.e. it printed out the current line. This is not particularly useful in a video editor, and this command will be used for a enhanced command in the near future.

8.6.3. Y Command

The Y command was used in classic TECO editors as the yank command. It was used to read in the next buffer worth of data from the file being edited. Since Video TECO always reads the entire file into the edit buffer, this command is not required and will be used for an enhanced command in the near future.

8.6.4. Underscore Command

The underscore command was a form of the search command which would perform yanks as required to bring in portions of the file. Since Video TECO always reads the entire file into the edit buffer, this command is not required and will be used for an enhanced command in the near future.

8.6.5. # Command

This arithmetic operator is used in classic TECO to perform bitwise operations. Video TECO does not currently support it, but plans to in the near future.

8.6.6. & Command

This arithmetic operator is used in classic TECO to perform bitwise operations. Video TECO does not currently support it, but plans to in the near future.

8.6.7. ? Command

The question mark command in classic TECO is a debugging aid which causes macro commands to be printed out as the command executes. Video TECO plans to support this feature in the future.

8.6.8. F> and F< Commands

The flow commands are used in some classic TECO editors to jump to the beginning or end of the current iteration. Video TECO plans to implement these commands in the future.

8.6.9. ^ Command

The caret command causes the next character to be interpreted as a control code, i.e. typing caret X would be the same as typing the CONTROL-X code.

8.7. Commands which have slightly different behavior

The following section lists the commands which are different in some way from the corresponding command in a classic TECO editor.

8.7.1. A Command

In Video TECO, the behavior of the A command with no numeric arguments is different from the append feature found in classic TECO editors. In those editors, the A command would cause the next section of the file to be appended to the edit buffer. Since Video TECO always reads the entire buffer into memory, this feature is not required.

8.7.2. EB Command

The EB command is enhanced in several ways in order to deal with the multiple buffer edit capability of Video TECO. nEB switches you to buffer number n. EBfilespec$ switches you to existing file filespec, or creates a new edit buffer and loads that file. 0EB prints a list of all the buffers currently in the editor. Refer to the reference page for a complete description.

8.7.3. EC Command

The EC command is a completely different enhancement which takes a following string argument, and executes this in a subprocess. The output from the command is inserted into the edit buffer at the current location. Refer to the reference page for a complete description.

8.7.4. EF Command

The EF command is enhanced to a have a different meaning than that normally found in a classic TECO editor. In Video TECO, the EF command causes the current edit buffer to be deleted. The memory is reclaimed, and the user is left in a different edit buffer.

8.7.5. EI Command

In Video TECO, the EI command can be used to turn off immediate execution of commands. It is intended as a debugging aid and might be removed at any time.

8.7.6. EP Command

In Video TECO, the EP command is used to create and delete windows, thus allowing the available screen space to be divided among different edit buffers.

8.7.7. ES Command

In Video TECO, the ES command is used to scroll the edit buffer up and down in order to position the buffer for optimal viewing by the user. There is a restriction that the current edit position must always be on the screen, thus the command has limited authority.

8.7.8. ET Command

In Video TECO, the ET command is used to cause the screen to be refreshed when it might not normally be done. An example would be in an iteration, usually only the final state is seen, i.e. the screen isn't updated until the iteration is complete. This is often what is desired, since displaying each iteration slows down the speed of the editor. However, the user may want to see the state of the edit buffer during different portions of the iteration. He can do this by inserting ET commands within the iteration at the points he wishes the screen to be refreshed.

8.7.9. EV Command

In Video TECO, the EV command is identical to the EB command in every way except that if a new edit buffer is created, it is created as readonly. The resulting buffer cannot be written out.

8.7.10. EX Command

In Video TECO, the EX command may fail if there are modified buffers. Since classic TECO editors only have one buffer, this is not typically a problem. Video TECO acts this way to alert you that information may be lost. This behavior may be overridden by supplying a -1 argument to the EX command in which case Video TECO will unconditionally exit.

8.7.11. FK Command

In some classic TECO editors, the FK command deletes from the current position, up to and including the string which was found. The author thought that this was not optimal behavior. A common use is to specify the string you want preserved, and have everything before it deleted. Since the search string is now set up, a simple FD$ command will clobber the string which was found. Thus it is felt that the Video TECO behavior is more flexible and useful.

8.7.12. FR Command

This is a Video TECO enhancement. The FS command if supplied a null first string searches for the default search string. If the second string is null, the result is the same as an FD command, i.e. the searched string is replaced with the null string. There is no way in classic TECO to default the replace string, even though this is a highly desirable feature. Thus if a null replace string is specified to the Video TECO FR command, the searched for string is replaced with the last string specified in a FS or FR command.

8.7.13. FS Command

When two numeric arguments are specified to the Video TECO FS command, it is used to constrain the search between the buffer positions specified by the first and second argument. Also, to be found, the entire string must reside within those two positions, not just the beginning of the string as in some TECO editors. If the argument is negative, or in the case of two numeric arguments if the first argument is less than the second, the command searches backward.

8.7.14. N Command

In a classic TECO editor, the N command would automatically page the file through the edit buffer while searching for the string, thus insuring that the entire file was searched. Since the entire file is always resident in Video TECO, this behavior is not required. The command was enhanced to search across edit buffers. Refer to the reference section for a complete description.

8.7.15. P Command

In a classic TECO editor, the P command caused the current contents of the edit buffer to be written out to the output file, and the next section of the file to be read into the edit buffer. Since the entire file is always resident in Video TECO, this behavior is not required. The command was enhanced to switch between screen windows.

8.7.16. S Command

When two numeric arguments are specified to the Video TECO S command, it is used to constrain the search between the buffer positions specified by the first and second argument. Also, to be found, the entire string must reside within those two positions, not just the beginning of the string as in some TECO editors. If the argument is negative, or in the case of two numeric arguments if the first argument is less than the second, the command searches backward.

8.7.17. T Command

In a classic TECO editor, the T command is used to type out contents of the edit buffer. Since a screen editor doesn't require this, Video TECO reserves this command for future use. Currently, the T command causes the screen to be redrawn incase of corruption. However, this has been replaced by the ^L command (which is used by most Unix programs for this purpose).

8.7.18. W Command

In Video TECO, the W command is used to move among words. A positive argument tells the editor to move forward by that many words, while a negative argument tells it to move backwards by that many words.

Appendix B

9. Features which are not yet supported, but are planned

* A way to tell how many arguments are passed to a macro.

* The EU command to undo stuff after a $$ has already been issued.

* Command line edit which takes the current command line, opens a buffer to edit it, and when the buffer is closed, the command is executed. Just for those times when you have lots of good stuff, but realize that you messed up one of the early parts of the command.

Done - see { and }

* Full implementation of TECO search strings, including combinations like ^N^ES would would match anything EXCEPT whitespace.


* Flow commands ala TECO-11 (F> goes to end of iteration, F< goes to beginning).

* Long Q-register names, .ie. x(astring) references Q-register 'astring'.

* Multiple simultaneous windows. (in, but problems exist)

Done - problems mostly fixed. Only remaining problem is that there is only a single "dot" for an edit buffer, thus moving dot in one window moves it in the other windows. This is usually not what you want.

* The ? command for debugging macros

* Input ^T command so macros can request input.

* Support for input radix so we can type in hex, octal, etc.

Done - octal ^o and hexadecimal ^h are supported

* Interactive Shell buffers.

* Port to the mac. (done, but a better implementation needs to be done)

* More extensive termcap for VMS

* Add the rest of the operators like # and &

* Buffer marks (that move as insertion / deletion happens)

* proper erase character operation for unix (not wired to delete as it is now).

* Backward Line command (B)


* Delete Word command (Y and V)


* G* return the filespec of the buffer


* Support for ~ and other wildcards in filespecs


* Bitwise operators # and &

* Immediate execution iterations


* search/replace command which takes no arguments


* insert/delete character support in screen optimizer

* filespec completion

Appendix C

10. Bug List

* ^V in insert strings does not seem to be working. The escape terminates the insert, rather than being inserted itself.


* EF does not work as advertised. The only form that seems to work properly is EF$ to delete the current edit buffer. EFbuffername$ and 2EF both do the wrong thing. Also EF seems to leave some dangling info.

* FR gets confused in several cases

* Multiple windows messes up if several copies of the same file are displayed. But this is a very useful capability.


Appendix D

11. Error messages